Tip your favorite content creators without trouble!

Powered by the Ton blockchain, Easy and safe to use.

Get tips from the Internet easily and

Traditionally, tipping content creators has been a hassle, you need to have an back card, need to integrate with a payment gateway like paypal or strip. But with the Ton blockchain, the only thing you need is a wallet and you are good to go.

Sample for the static template

Recent Posts

This section shows the 4 most recent blog posts. Check them out to get started!


Here are some of the features of TonTip

Picture describing the Wordpress Support feature
Wordpress Support

We have created a wordpress plugin that allows you to easily add TonTip to your wordpress site. You can download it from the wordpress plugin store.

Picture describing the Static Site Generator Support feature
Static Site Generator Support

We made TonTip a web component so that it can be easily added to any static site generator. You can see an example of this in the tutorial.

Picture describing the Any cms is easy to integrate feature
Any cms is easy to integrate

No matter you are using modern headless cms or legacy cms, you can integrate tontip in less than 5 minutes

Picture describing the Privacy & Decentralized feature
Privacy & Decentralized

Every payment happens on the blockchain, no centralized server used, no one knows who you are, no one can take down the tontip service.

Picture describing the Massive User Ecosystem feature
Massive User Ecosystem

Telegram is one of the largest IM apps in the world, everyone with a telegram account can use tontip to send or receive tips, The number of telegram users is much larger than the number of paypal or alipay users.

Picture describing the Asset Safety feature
Asset Safety

The tips you received are saved in you ton wallet, no one can hack it, you can use them at any time, no withdraw process required.